Global Findings

About the report
Since 2017 the CIVICUS Monitor has assessed the state of civic freedoms globally. Country civic space ratings and data on top violations to the freedoms of association, peaceful assembly and expression are used on a regular basis by policymakers, journalists, activists, civil society organisations and other stakeholders.
People Power Under Attack is the research platform's annual report which provides country ratings for 197 countries and territories, as well as analysis on the threats and trends facing civil society at the regional and global level.

A downward shift
Civic freedoms are being curtailed in a growing number of countries. Civil society is under severe attack in 117 of 197 countries and territories. This is up from 111 countries and territories in 2018.

Rating changes
In this year's report there are civic space rating changes for 25 countries. From mature democracies to authoritarian regimes, 15 countries have been downgraded while 10 countries have been upgraded.

country ratings

civic freedoms

Where do people live?
More people than ever before live in countries where state and non-state actors are routinely allowed to imprison, injure and kill people for exercising their fundamental freedoms. More than two billion people or 28% of the world's population live in countries rated, as closed, the worst rating a country can receive by the CIVICUS Monitor, including new countries and territories: Afghanistan, Hong Kong, Myanmar, Russia and Tajikistan.
Top Ten Violations
The latest edition of People Power Under Attack also looks at the most common restrictions to civic freedoms. The detention of protesters, attacks on journalists and the harassment of civil society activists are some of the most prevalent violations from 2022. Protesters were detained in over 90 countries, while harassment tactics were used to impede the work of activists, journalists and civil society organisations in over 100 countries.

This 5th global assessment is based on data from more than 490 country civic space updates in the last year (1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022). To navigate the contents of this report, please chose from report sections below or download the following resources: Global Report (PDF); Fact Sheet (PDF)